Trademark Services

Protecting your brand is essential for its long-term success. At Holla Associates, we understand the significance of trademarks in shaping how your brand is perceived and recognized by customers.

Our services extend to comprehensive anti-counterfeiting solutions. This includes obtaining court orders for search and seizure, collaborating with law enforcement or designated officials, and actively participating in civil or criminal raids. At Holla Associates, we are dedicated to safeguarding your brand through strategic and proactive trademark services.

Our Expertise

Trademark Search and Clearance:
Before you invest time and resources into a new trademark, it's essential to ensure its availability. Our experts conduct thorough searches to identify potential conflicts, providing you with the information needed to make informed decisions.

Trademark Registration:
Securing legal protection for your trademark is a critical step. Our team will guide you through the registration process, ensuring compliance with all requirements and maximizing the scope of your protection.

Trademark Portfolio Management:
As your business grows, so does the importance of managing and expanding your trademark portfolio. Our strategic counsel ensures that your trademarks are effectively maintained and enforced, preserving your brand's integrity.

Trademark Enforcement and Litigation:
In the event of infringement or disputes, our seasoned litigators are ready to protect your rights. We employ a proactive approach to enforcement, combining negotiation and litigation strategies tailored to your specific needs.

What sets us apart?

We go beyond offering advice on brand strategy; we assist our clients in securing trademark registrations and provide support for licensing, franchising, and negotiating co-existence agreements. Additionally, we conduct thorough due diligence for mergers, asset purchases, and the assignment of trademark rights.

Let us safeguard your brand's future

At Holla Associates, we are committed to providing unparalleled legal support to protect and enhance the value of your brand through our Trademark services. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you safeguard your intellectual property and achieve your business objectives. Your brand's future begins with Holla Associates.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.