Patent Services

In today's innovation-driven landscape, securing a patent for your product or process is more crucial than ever. A well-thought-out patent strategy is essential to transform an idea into economic viability.

Our Expertise

Patent Drafting and Prosecution:
Our seasoned professionals assist in drafting meticulous patent applications and navigating the prosecution process. We ensure that your inventions meet the stringent standards for patentability, maximizing your chances of securing robust protection.

Patent Portfolio Management:
As your innovation portfolio expands, effective management becomes critical. We provide strategic counsel on portfolio development, maintenance, and enforcement, ensuring that your patents align with your business objectives.

Patent Licensing and Commercialization:
Monetize your inventions responsibly through our patent licensing and commercialization services. We help negotiate agreements that protect your interests and facilitate the appropriate use and dissemination of your patented technologies.

Patent Infringement Defense:
In the face of patent infringement, our litigation team is prepared to defend your rights vigorously. We employ a proactive approach to enforcement, utilizing negotiation and litigation strategies tailored to your unique circumstances.

What sets us apart?

In a world driven by ingenuity, securing your inventions is paramount. At Holla Associates, our dedicated team of patent attorneys combines technical expertise with legal acumen to provide tailored solutions for safeguarding your innovations.

Let us fortify your innovations

At Holla Associates, we believe that groundbreaking inventions deserve unwavering protection. Contact us today to explore how our Patent Services can elevate the value of your innovations and ensure that your inventions are not only groundbreaking but legally secure.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.