Design Services

Where innovation meets protection, Holla Associate's Design Services empower creators and businesses across industries, ensuring your unique designs not only flourish but are also shielded through comprehensive intellectual property strategies.

Our Expertise

Design Patent Applications:
Embark on the journey to secure exclusive rights for your unique designs with our design patent application services. We guide you through the application process, ensuring that your innovative designs receive the protection they deserve.

Design Portfolio Management:
As your design portfolio expands, effective management becomes pivotal. We offer strategic counsel on portfolio development, maintenance, and enforcement, safeguarding the value of your creative designs.

Design Licensing and Agreements:
Responsibly monetize your designs through licensing agreements. Our legal experts assist in negotiating and drafting agreements to ensure that your interests are protected and your designs are used in accordance with your terms.

Design Infringement Defense:
In the unfortunate event of design infringement, our litigators are ready to defend your rights. We take a proactive approach to enforcement, combining negotiation and litigation strategies to protect the integrity of your designs.

What sets us apart?

Design is the heartbeat of innovation, and at Holla Associates, we recognize the significance of preserving the aesthetic and functional aspects of your creations. Our team of skilled intellectual property attorneys is committed to delivering customized solutions that elevate your designs while securing your rights.

Let us defend your design excellence

At Holla Associates, we believe that exceptional designs deserve robust protection. Contact us today to explore how our Design Services can enhance the value of your creative works and ensure that your designs are not only visually impactful but legally secure. Your design legacy starts with Holla Associates.

Contact Us

Give us a call or fill in the form below and we will contact you. We endeavor to answer all inquiries within 24 hours on business days.